ATHEA  GRAFFITI WIPES - Athea barren athea vacate athea laboratories silt brom aero gel banish eliminator private label odor eliminator cide solv triple threat athea packaging banish herbicide total solutions eliminator athea labs eliminator herbicid


Regular price $83.00
Regular price Sale price $83.00


6 cans in a case. Sold by the case ONLY!

Highly effective vandalism fighting formula

20-count, 9.5” x 12”, 6 canisters per case

Graffiti Wipes are the most effective pre-moistened wipes available for removing paint and graffiti in one easy step. The powerful soy-based formula is environmentally safe and biodegradable, and does not contain amyl acetate or methylene chloride, making them much safer to use than other products. The abrasive but non-scratching fabric aids in cleaning.

Ideal for use on most non-porous surfaces, including Bathroom Partitions, Aluminum Siding, Desks, Phone Booths, Road Signs, Wall Tile, Lamp Posts, Stainless Steel, Trains, Buses, Bus Stops and Seats, Billboards, and Lockers.

Highly effective against paint, enamel, ink, and permanent marker.

Why Choose SecurityPro USA?