Secpro NIJ Level IIIA Ballistic Half Face Mask - International Armor

Secpro NIJ Level IIIA Ballistic Half Face Mask

Regular price $285.00
Regular price $329.99 Sale price $285.00

International Armor Bulletproof Face Mask 

Ballistic Face Mask With NIJ Level IIIA Protection 

Ballistic Facial Mask to protect face from fragmentation and shrapnel objects. Build Outside with kevlar bullet resistant materials and inside padded with shock absorption pads, & Perfect fit elastic adjustable system.

International Armor NIJ Level IIIA Ballistic Face Mask is a bulletproof face mask made to maximize comfort while protecting the users face from harm. The Ballistic Half Face Mask provides complete front facial protection against all NIJ Standard Level IIIA and lesser ballistic threats.

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