Used by US military forces in cross-border security, counter-terrorism, and counter-drug operations around the globe, Pathfinder is the ideal sensor solution for decreasing border-related illegal immigration, drug smuggling, human trafficking, terrorism, and property vandalism.
Pathfinder’s innate ability to covertly detect and monitor asymmetric threat activity, movement patterns, route networks, and key locations gives border agents the ‘inside information’ they need to improve agent efficiency and protection, reduce costs associated with individual pursuits, and prevent compromise and/or defeat of any border related infrastructure.
Improved Efficiency and Protection:
Spend less time man-tracking potential threats and more time intercepting them
Pinpoint potential threat locations and movement corridors and intercept them on your terms…not theirs
Reduce heat and other pursuit-related injuries to personnel and canines
Use fewer agents per intercept and/or conduct more intercepts at a single point in time
When on patrol, get immediate, early warning of nearby potential threats
Reduced Costs:
Send aerial assets directly to the potential threat’s location. Using less helicopter rotor time and/or fixed wing aircraft/drone time-on-station reduces aircraft maintenance and fuel consumption costs
Knowing the precise location of the potential threat lets you reduce the overall number of agents needed at any given time or to concentrate them when additional resources are required
Compromise and Defeat Protection:
Waiting until the threat gets to the wall or beyond the wall is too late. Know where the threat intends to breech the wall/fence and monitor their approach long before they ever get there
Protect existing infrastructure by automatically cueing existing cameras, radars, drones, etc. to positively ID threats and initiate the appropriate response inside, at, and beyond standoff distances from the threat
Redefining Border Surveillance
Used by US military forces in cross-border security, counter-terrorism, and counter-drug operations around the globe, Pathfinder is the ideal sensor solution for decreasing border-related illegal immigration, drug smuggling, human trafficking, terrorism, and property vandalism.
Pathfinder’s innate ability to covertly detect and monitor asymmetric threat activity, movement patterns, route networks, and key locations gives border agents the ‘inside information’ they need to improve agent efficiency and protection, reduce costs associated with individual pursuits, and prevent compromise and/or defeat of any border related infrastructure.
Improved Efficiency and Protection:
Reduced Costs:
Compromise and Defeat Protection:
Key Sensor and System Attributes:
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