Security Pro USA is currently making great strides in becoming, not just a national, but worldwide leader in the finest security products for foreign governments and private security forces around the globe. A cursory check of social media and the news will confirm that there is a predominant state of small- to large-scale unrest in all parts of the world. It isn’t a surprise that governments and private companies are facing significant security threats, now more than ever. On a micro-level, retail theft, home invasion robberies, and other personal risks will always be present in our modern day society. Security Pro USA is dedicated to making sure you and your organization are equipped with the right equipment at the right moment.
LOS ANGELES (PRWEB) January 16, 2023 -- Security Pro USA sells a huge assortment of security enhancements. Security Pro USA offers Mifram Vehicle Barriers for efficient road or driveway closures. They are generally used to secure streets for pedestrian use, parades, street fairs, farmers' markets, and other public events. The barriers act as way to deny access to vehicles and are extremely robust with no wear-out date. This product offers the peace of mind everyone deserves. When compared to the cost of an accidental or malicious vehicle entry into pedestrian crowds, the barricades are obviously cost-effective. https://www.securityprousa.com/pages/mifram-vehicle-barriers
With civil unrest continuing to be a threat, less lethal riot gear is a must-have to ensure a proper force continuum. Riot shields are one of the best, portable devices available for crowd control and movement. Riot shields must be clear and provide blunt force protection while still being strong enough to with stand blows from personal weapons and improvised weapons. Providing security forces with the proper riot shields will instill condense and ensure safety for the operator. In addition, it helps lower overall force use by limiting the need for impact weapons or chemical weapons.
One of the better riot shield options is the SecPro Stun Tech Anti-Riot Shield. In addition to protecting the user, this shield has the added benefit of impacting violent attackers by giving a non-lethal shock to anyone who forces themselves against the shield. One or two of these shields in a line of riot shields will keep large crowds from trying to overtake security forces by pushing against the shields. This tactic has been sued by rioters in the past and has gained some popularity. The stun shield will protect from this tactic by shocking the attackers who are in contact with the shield. https://www.securityprousa.com/products/riot-gear-stun-tech-anti-riot-shield Security Pro also has a full line of ballistic protection. There is no lack of news about people attacking individuals and events with firearms. Having the proper protection can mean the difference between life and death. Law Enforcement Officers know this and most wear protective body armor. The Security Pro USA Shadow Armor Shirt 2.0 is one of the most concealable pieces of body armor available and also has the ability to provide a very high level of ballistic protection. This unique shirt is meant to be worn concealed under normal clothing and will accept full ballistic soft panels offering the same level of protection that SWAT and Military units use. https://www.securityprousa.com/collections/body-armor-riot-gear/products/security-pro-usa-shadow-armorshirt-2-0-by-secpro
The Armorsource AS-600 Rie-Resistant High Protection Assault Helmet will protect against both pistol and rie rounds. Once thought to be too heavy or cumbersome, ballistic protection for the head is now available and Page 2/3 If you have any questions regarding information in these press releases please contact the company listed in the press release. Our complete disclaimer appears here - PRWeb ebooks - Another online visibility tool from PRWeb reasonably priced considering the lifetime benefits of such gear. In addition, Security Pro also has clear ballistic shields that protect against all common handgun rounds, up to and including the powerhouse, .44 Magnum. These shields are large enough to cover the vital zones and weigh less than 16 pounds. They are excellent for rapid response forces who do not have the time or luxury of waiting for a tactical team to respond. School or workplace shootings are just some of the incidents where these shields could be used. Even if the goal is not to address the threat, these shields are excellent for ensuring proper protection while getting potential victims out of harm's way and to safety. https://www.securityprousa.com/products/armorsource-as-600-rifle-resistant-high-protection-assault-helmet https://www.securityprousa.com/products/paulson-iiia-clear-ballistic-shield-12x24-with-bag-no-decal
Whatever your budget, Security Pro has what you need to meet your threat. When compared to the costs of lives lost, or innocent people injured, the costs are more than reasonable. Page 3/3 If you have any questions regarding information in these press releases please contact the company listed in the press release. Contact Information Al Evan Security Pro USA http://www.securityprousa.com 1 800-264-8273 Ext: 107 Online Web 2.0 Version