Modular Crowd and Vehicle Barrier - Mifram Security

Modular Crowd and Vehicle Barrier

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Crowd and Vehicle Barrier

Miframe Barrier Against Rioting Crowd & Vehicle 

Carmen Crowd Control & Vehicle barrier Solutions to protect  perimeters, governments and other critical infrastructure. The perfect combination of a vehicle barrier and a crowd pressure barrier that prevents access by hostile crowds and vehicles but allows access for authorized personnel, and vehicles.

The Mifram Modular Crowd & Vehicle Barrier is an innovative design developed as an ultimate protective solution against both hostile crowds and ramming cars at the same time. It can stop vehicles by diverting the car's forward momentum to the ground while preventing rowdy crowds from turning the barrier over by utilizing the masses' weight as an anchoring force. The "L" shape design of the barrier enhance this feature by allowing the crowd or the vehicle's wheels to climb on the barrier and press it firmly to the ground.

Crowd Control Barriers

The crowd/vehicle barrier is a combination of the MVB used to stop vehicles and the pressure barrier (MCCB Modular Crowd Control Barrier) used to control large crowds. It is designed for use in combat zones as well as civilian uses to protect entry and protected areas.

Crowd Control Barriers Features

  • Deployable in single or staggered formations, or bolted together to extend perimters.
  • Modular design can be scaled to meet a wide range of security and risk management operations
  • High-strength ballistic steel certified to stop threats up to .50 caliber ball rounds
  • Can be deployed by a single individual
  • Non-electronic, non-hydraulic design significantly reduces maintenance costs

Crowd Control Barriers Advantages

  • Modular barrier – barrier sections can be connected in any required length to create a barrier that is perfectly adapted to block any route or road and any vehicle type quickly and with no special requirements or infrastructure.
  • Quickly assembly – takes just a few minutes and needs no special tools
  • Its location is easily changed as needed
  • No maintenance
Dimensions of a single unit
base length 2.5 m.
width 0.6 m.*
height 1.2 m.
weight ~150 kg.

The Ultimate Dual Usage Integrated Barrier For Blocking Roads And Against Rioting Crowds And Hostile Vehicles

Crowd Control Barriers Usage Scenarios

Modular crowd control barrier systems are great for site operations, event management or risk management scenarios, the barrier stops vehicles by transferring their horizontal momentum into vertical momentum which is then transferred, via the barrier’s base, into the ground. However, unlike the MVB, the barrier is also designed to stop crowds by using the weight of the people to prevent them from overturning or removing the barrier. The barrier’s L shape increases its ability as both vehicles and crowds standing on its base fix it firmly on the ground making passage difficult, other than jumping over it.

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