Mistral 80050 Dropex GSK Lab Kit Explosive Detection and Identification Kits - Mistralmistral ,silynx ,blast containment ,police drug test kits false positive ,ausa global force 2018 ,field testing kit ,field drug test kits ,bath salts drug test kit

Mistral 80050 Dropex GSK Lab Kit Explosive Detection and Identification Kits

Regular price $623.99
Regular price Sale price $623.99

Explosive Detection and Identification Kits

DropEx Plus - 80050 

DropEx explosive detection is a dropper-bottle technology developed for both in-the-field and laboratory conditions. Kits include a full range of detection capabilities and are packaged in convenient ‘Work Station’ cases.

Dropex GSK01-GSK14 (1 of Each), 12 Paper Dispensers, in L1 box

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