Mistral 1578 Dropex B+ (50 Tests) Explosive Detection and Identification Kits - Mistralmistral ,silynx ,blast containment ,police drug test kits false positive ,ausa global force 2018 ,field testing kit ,field drug test kits ,bath salts drug test kit

Mistral 1578 Dropex B+ (50 Tests) Explosive Detection and Identification Kits

Regular price $10.13
Regular price Sale price $10.13

Explosive Detection Kit - DropEX B+ 1578

Mistral DropEX 1634 - Peroxide based Explosives (TATP, HMTD) 50 Test box

DropEx explosive detection is a dropper-bottle technology developed for both in-the-field and laboratory conditions. Kits include a full range of detection capabilities and are packaged in convenient ‘Work Station’ cases.

Peroxide based Explosives (TATP, HMTD)

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