Mistral 1118 Herosol Drug Detection Pen Test (Box of 10 Tests) - Mistralmistral ,silynx ,blast containment ,police drug test kits false positive ,ausa global force 2018 ,field testing kit ,field drug test kits ,bath salts drug test kit ,bomb containm

Mistral 1118 Herosol Drug Detection Pen Test (Box of 10 Tests)

Regular price $37.07
Regular price $45.99 Sale price $37.07

Herosol Drug Detection | Herosol Drug Detection Pen Test

The PenTest is an ampoule-based technology that detects trace amounts of drugs as well as bulk amounts. Containing up to five tests per kit, these kits are inexpensive, easy-to-use and easy-to-handle. You can mix and match any test you might need. An optional, convenient carry pouch can be purchased for easy storage of individual pens.

Herosol Drug Detection Features:

  • Detects trace drug residues
  • Bulk drug detection and identification
  • Multi-use
  • Will not destroy evidence
  • D4D and Coca tests detect most drugs with two tests
Heroin, LSD, Methadone, Amphetamines and Methamphetamine)

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