Mistral 02380 Blue (100 cc) Shoe-prints developer Forensic Aerosol - Mistralmistral ,silynx ,blast containment ,police drug test kits false positive ,ausa global force 2018 ,field testing kit ,field drug test kits ,bath salts drug test kit ,bomb cont

Mistral 02380 Blue (100 cc) Shoe-prints developer Forensic Aerosol

Regular price $37.13
Regular price Sale price $37.13

Forensic Products

Mistral Security, Inc.'s forensic and visualization aerosol products are designed for crime scene investigative units and other organizations. Several of the products visualize fingerprints under difficult or unusual circumstances; other products visualize iron metal traces on hands; or visualize markings on hands left by an invisible aerosol marking system; or allow the end-user to see the contents inside unopened envelopes.


  • Quick implementation – aerosol ready
  • Extracts fingerprints in unique situations such as oily, wet and porous surfaces

Markets Served:

  • Criminal Scene Investigators
  • Coroner Offices
  • Military

Shoe-prints developer

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