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DetectaChem Meth/MDMA Detection Card (Box of 100)

Regular price $119.99
Regular price $129.99 Sale price $119.99

The Meth/MDMA card is designed to detect the presence of methamphetamines and other related narcotic compounds including, Dimethoxy-meth, MDMA, Methamphetamine, Methylphenidate, Ecstasy.

Meth and the other narcotics in this detection group are usually in pill, powder, crystal or liquid form and may be swallowed, snorted, injected, or smoked.

The detection card offers great sensitivity for trace drug detection, while also delivering reliable bulk detection in a single card. The easy-to-use swipe detection system provides industry leading presumptive testing results at a lower cost. Must be used with a SEEKER product. The Detection Card is the tool that allows the user to physically collect a sample of trace or bulk residue and contains the patented colorimetric delivery system to provide accurate, repeatable and reliable detection.

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