ATHEA BIO-MAX OC - Athea barren athea vacate athea laboratories silt brom aero gel banish eliminator private label odor eliminator cide solv triple threat athea packaging banish herbicide total solutions eliminator athea labs eliminator herbicide tur


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Why Choose SecurityPro USA?


Each quantity contain 30, 35 & 55 Gallons

Surface cleaner with odor counteractant

Bio-Max OC is a multi-functional rest room cleaner formulated for the daily maintenance of most bathroom areas. It is a 100% biodegradable cleaner, making it environmentally responsible and safe to use on most bathroom surfaces.

Designed to accomplish 3 important aspects of any cleaning job. First, the detergents and light de-scaling agents cut through filmy residue and remove hard water stains, uric acid and other rest room soils. Second, a special odor-counteracting ingredient immediately suppresses your worst malodors, leaving in their place a cool mint fragrance. Finally, live bacteria cultures and enzymes eat away at organic waste matter to keep bathroom plumbing clear of build-up.

Features & Benefits:

  • Fortified with a special odor counteractant.
  • Cleans, deodorizes and also cleans hair deposits and other organic material in drains.

Effective Against:

  • Urine and feces
  • Organic spills, soap build-up, hard water stains

For Use On:

  • Sinks, counters, chrome
  • Urinals, toilets, showers
  • Formica, metal, vinyl